New Balance x Grenson – Launch Party

The Made in UK New Balance 576GRB x Grenson launched at 11am on Saturday 9th of January at Grenson Stores and their website, and as expected, they absolutely flew out with all pairs selling out within minutes. Don’t fret though, as there’s still a worldwide release scheduled for the 23rd of January so keep your eyes peeled at all the usual retailers.

Be sure to check out our post with all the details of the shoe here, and continue reading to see how the New Balance x Grenson launch party went down on Saturday evening!




The event started at 7:30pm and was at Grenson Bloomsbury on Lamb’s Conduit Street in London, so we headed down for the start with our friends Arek and Radek from Suede&Mesh.

The Grenson Bloomsbury store was cleared of all product and each shelf on the left hand side of the store had one foot of the 576GRB on display, as well as one of the images from the press release as a large feature on the wall.




As with any party, there was plenty of beer, champagne, red wine, and food to go around, and combined with all the great people who attended the event, it made for the perfect release to compliment this collaboration which was a long time in the making.





Big shout to everyone who attended, and to New Balance and Grenson for the hospitality and also for the kind gift, we’re going to get serious wear out of these shoes, but stay tuned to our Instagram for some on-foot shots of the shoe in the very near future!






5 responses to “New Balance x Grenson – Launch Party

  1. Pingback: London – Filming and NB x Grenson – thomaslindie·

  2. Pingback: Foot Locker #hottestmonth Event – thomaslindie·

  3. Pingback: Foot Locker #hottestmonth Event | New Balance Gallery·

  4. Hi Guys, I was at this event, I just wanted to know who the photographer was at the event. He memtioned that he was the grenson official photographer. Please let me know if you could help. Many thanks



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